Family & Student Support Center


Focusing on Healthy social-emotional development of students and families

LEAP Academy embraces the entire family as its focus and is committed to providing comprehensive services aimed at achieving educational success and physical, social, and emotional well being for students, families, and community. The Family Support Center is the central unit offering and mobilizing multiple services through the development of programs and partnerships to provide opportunities, optimize assets, and address the identified needs of students, family, and community. The opportunities and services are embedded and integrated into the fabric of daily life in the school and into the landscape of the school community. The Family and Student Support Center has a presence in every building and is anchored on a case management structure that provides a tier approach to interventions with students.

Director's Message

Focusing on Healthy social-emotional development of students and families

Welcome to the Family Support Center at LEAP Academy!

We are dedicated to promoting the physical and emotional wellness of our students and families. Healthy social-emotional development in children and youth correlates with healthy cognitive development and therefore creates a strong foundation for school achievement and life success. We embrace a holistic approach to our work with children and families that meets students at their level, while also engaging the whole family.

Our portfolio of services include:

  • Individual, Group and Grief Counseling
  • Meditation (Peer and Teacher-Student)
  • HIB Education, including age appropriate anti-bullying workshops, offered throughout the school year in the classroom.
  • Parental Support and Engagement Programs
  • Family and Crisis Interventions
  • Nutrition and Wellness Programs
  • Social Skill Development Groups

Our staff works closely with all units of the LEAP Academy to ensure that every student succeeds academically, socially and professionally, and that our students are supported, nurtured and empowered to succeed.

Visit us.



Leda Hernandez Diaz

Director, Family & Student Support & Wellness Center

Stephanie Williams

SoAcial Worker

856-614-614-2099 swilliams

Brenda Rodriguez

SoAcial Worker

Jason Arrington

Social Worker




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